Today, on the other hand, I've been extremely bored. Nothing new / fascinating to blog about and I'm not really in the school work mood. I have a Calculus test on Monday and a Physics Lab due on Tuesday and a Physics Test on Wednesday. It may be nothing compared to studying for those University exams, but I'm just saying. I woke up quite early this morning because I had to go to my dentist appointment. After bleeding on numerous occasions, it was over. I've been home for the past 5 hours now and have been completely surrounded by boredism. I'm considering taking a nap until 5 p.m. because I have to go to church at 5:30. On a side note, I have the sudden urge to drive!

The Climb by Hannah Montana is just about the greatest song I've heard off of the Family channel. Usually I don't like music that has "meaning" to it (aka Tupac), but this one is different. I don't know what it is, but there's just something about this song that I love. It feels like it just has so much passion / feeling. It's a different side of Miley Cyrus and it's a much different song than her Hannah Montana opening song (which I hate because it sounds to me like she's bragging a bit). Kind of hard to believe that I like this song, since I'm into hardcore rap music. Anyways, make sure to watch the video below in HQ.
Picture Sources: Lyngsat Logo, Daily Mail