Before you go and question the title, keep in mind that this is about University and nothing else. I have a day-off today and I figured that I might as well write some of my thoughts down because I rarely have time to update this. First of all, Physics is starting to make sense, but we'll just have to see after my next test on Tuesday.

Second of all, I'm having doubts about what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. What do I want my career to be? As of right now, my dream job would be to work for Dell, Blizzard or Google as a Software / Computer Engineer. Yes, that is shooting for the stars a bit, but it is a
dream. Anyways, I talked a little bit about my future yesterday with Nikki and Adrian. It really got me thinking about what I want to do in the future. Do I even want to be a Computer Engineer? Every University student questions themselves about this same topic, "Do I really want to be doing this job for the rest of my life?" I don't really know if I want to be a Computer Engineer anymore because I'm kinda sorta leaning towards Software Engineering. I know being an Engineer will be extremely tough for me, but I'm willing to put myself to the test. A couple of my friends have struggled in Engineering-based courses so I am having my doubts, but I'm just going to have to test it out for myself. I am sure about one thing though, I will not be an Electrical Engineer, LOL. I might even go into Computer Science to see where that leads me. We'll just have to see what offers I get - if I get any - from Ryerson; I'm praying to get accepted into Computer Engineering for, at least, first year.
I'm anxious to see how I do, even though my main focus should be this school year.
I almost forgot. Last night me and my girlfriend were talking and I brought up the fact about how I love Astronomy and Liquid Nitrogen. The whole knowing about life and
stars out there and
Super Conductivity (video below) really fascinate me. Maybe I'll even major in something around those lines. Keep in mind that the video below does have quite a lengthy intro, so you might want to skip forward a little bit (approx 0:50 mark).
Archive Hive]
awwww baby i know you can be whatever you set your mind to <3 as long as you have motivation to get that career, you can do it.
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