I went to a party on the night of January 31, 2009. It was Direct's (codename) birthday. Direct used to be one of my best friends, but that changed throughout the high school years. Anyways, it was his 19th birthday party. Me and my girlfriend decided to check it out, since there were free drinks. We got there and my ex-girlfriend opened the door for us, her name is Purpz. As soon as me and my girlfriend walked in, Direct was already throwing up and Purpz was taking care of him. On a side note, Direct and Purpz are cousins. For the first hour, the party was dull. It was starting to get more interesting as more people showed up. It was good to see the boys again, since it has definitely been a while. Luckily, my girlfriend and Purpz actually ended up getting along quite well, which was surprising. Anyways, more and more unknown people continued to show up, but it was okay. Direct's cousins showed up and it was no surprise that they were a bunch of "gangstas." More about "gangstas" in a future blog. Anyways, we watched UFC on illegal satellite. Me and my girlfriend ended up splitting a disgusting Budweiser and that's when my drinking started. After the Budweiser i had some Green Apple and Blueberry Smirnoff. I can actually still taste the Blueberry Smirnoff and it's been more than 24 hours since i've consumed it. Throw in about a bit more than half a cup of Grey Goose and i was done for the night. While this was happening a white guy jumped off of the deck and did a front flip into the snow. I don't really know how high the deck was because i told my girlfriend to take a video of it for me. Basically, i didn't witness it for myself. Anyways, i was sitting down and some girl behind me almost threw up on me, which was just a bit disgusting. She got some of it on my sweater, which my caring girlfriend cleaned for me =). I can't recall what happened the entire party, so i'm just trying to type down what i remember. Oh yes, a beer bottle shattered on the pool table because someone shot the cue ball while the beer bottle was on the table. Beer spilled on the pool table and i was actually stupid and clumsy enough to end up spilling Grey Goose on the table afterwards. Uhh, i didn't really get to talk to Direct too much, but i didn't expect to anyway. What else happened? Lots of smoking outside, i didn't join. Oh yeah, back to UFC. After the boring pre-fights, it was finally time for the main event. We watched the GSP vs BJ Penn fight. I actually missed the whole fight, so i'm going to watch it this week, during my spare. My girlfriend informed me that GSP won, so that was a good thing. She told me that the fight was boring, which was upsetting. My girlfriend took care of me while i was tipsy, so i thank her for that. I also remember getting a bit PDA while i was tipsy, but i mean, that's okay right? I think so. Before Purpz left, my girlfriend told me that we both hugged her, which i completely do not remember. My girlfriend said i had a "blackout," whatever that is. On the way home, i threw up in the car because it was a pretty bumpy ride. My girlfriend also mentioned that i was saying things in my sleep and that i threw up again when i got home. Overall, the party wasn't as bad as i expected it would be. This was the first day where i can say that i actually drank. I'm usually not the drinking type, but i guess that day was an exception. I was actually complimented on my drinking, the word "champ" was mentioned.
I may miss the past, but i'm definitely looking forward to the future. I did enjoy the time i had with the boys, but it was probably a temporary thing. Although, i do hope that i keep in touch with a select few of them.
Happy Birthday picture:
you made my day.
oh ij...
and nikki and purpz actually talked?
how much did she drink man? :P
She didn't drink, but yeah, they did talk, it was pretty awkward.
oh my...
i could only imagine...:S
This is why I hate drinking.
Why did Direct get a diamond in the side of his head? DoucheBAGGERY.
Select few is a stretch man, don't hurt yourself!
I'd toast my apple juice to GSP winning tho, freaking demigod
Oh damn, richard figured it out, i gotta make these things harder next time
LMAO to richard's comment. doucheBAGGERY FOR SURE.
Although, i'm still getting my diamond in my ear, LMAO
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