This brings me to my main topic. My girlfriend has potential to be a gamer. She has barely moved all day. For the past 6 hours she's been on her bed playing Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life for GameCube. What a loser. She's changed positions on her bed a couple of times though (LOL), since that's her comfy chair. Her gaming kind of reminds me of my WoW'ing back in the day and it just fascinated me that even she could get hooked to games. She dislikes when i play games, but she wants me to be happy and she let's me do what i want. So, if i'm playing games, she rarely stops me. I'm also an excellent multi-tasker so it's not like i'm ignoring her. But she, on the other hand, is not a very good multi-tasker. We're on Skype right now and i just tested her multi-tasking skills. I said, "Hey!" to her and she answered after a 4.7 second pause. Usually though, she wouldn't hear me, so it was surprising that she actually answered. She has unlocked this gamer potential just recently because she has this whole week off, and so do most of you reading this, because it's 'Reading Week.' Maybe one day we'll be able to play a game together. WTB (Wanting to Buy) Harvest Moon for the PS3 PS2. I still love her though, even though she's in this trance playing this game. It's like we've switched roles today; she's playing games and i'm bored, not doing anything. It's okay though, i'm glad to see that she's so into it. She looks happy, even though her yams just died. I still love you loser =D I'll be your friend, just in case someone in the game doesn't want to be.
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life picture: http://www.gamershell.com/ps2/harvest_moon_another_wonderful_life/box.html
YES!!! go nikki!!
In reference to her wall post to you, she's lying! She's too busy playing Harvest Moon. I joke, i joke.
harvest moon is fucking awesome. well done
Rofl, i can't judge, i've never played it.
But, i guess it could be, since she doesn't stop playing.
LOL it's amazing. and yes my yams died :( how sad.
i want to play...
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