What do you think it is? 3? 7? 8? 13? 42? Nope, it's not any of those. 7 may be lucky and 42 may be a big number in science, astronomy, religion and math, but neither of those is the magic number I am going to talk about today. This is, obviously, a debatable topic - I guess - but it's just an 18 year-old bloggers opinion, so bare with me.
I believe that the magic number is also "the loneliest number in the world". Yes, I'm talking about the number one. Why? Because of many, many things. I believe that there is one God. There's always one team that wins the World Series every year and [usually] only one person wins the MVP award. One is a very magical number in this world and this number could be applied to basically every situation imaginable.
It only takes one person to change the world - one person to make a difference. If you're lonely it should only take that one special friend to get you right back on your feet. One decision in your life alters your whole future - how scary is that? It takes one mistake and your whole world could come crashing down. It only takes one day to alter how security is issued and one death to bring the world to tears. One president, one pope, one Prime Minister, and one dictator changes all of world history - for better or for worse.
The list could go on and on, but I don't want to drag on this post any longer than it already is. One more paragraph and I could lose all of my readers - even though there's only one of you out there. Okay, maybe two.
Picture Source: God Hates Cleveland Sports